Titre du sujet : Re: EC in studio - new album par Arnaud sur 06/04/2010 20:19:48
je pense que dans le prochain projet de Mr Clapton, nous verrons; si album de reprise il y a; un titre de Johnny Watson (cf l'article sur Blackie et l'envie dans Rolling stones de faire des reprises de musicien qu'il adore)
"the event (Crossroad Festival)is his way of paying tribute to many of the players who influenced him over the years. Unfortunately, one of Eric's favorite blues guitarists and one of his biggest inspirations won't be able to join the lineup. Johnny Guitar Watson, the Texas blues/funk guitarist who also was a big influence on Jimi Hendrix and who inspired Eric to play a Strat, passed away in 1996.
"Johnny had a song called ‘Gangster of Love' that was on an album of the same name," says Eric."
affaire à suivre de près surtout le mixage vient d'être terminé...