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Re: First dates for EC - Tour 2011

Subject: Re: First dates for EC - Tour 2011
by Sally on 2010/11/16 19:09:12

First date of US-tour


Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk
Universal City, CA
Tue, Mar 8, 2011 07:30 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Mon, 12/06/10 10:00 AM PST ... A?crosssite=TM_US:768018:...

I hope that soon more dates are announced for some shows in Europe in June.
As I´m not so sure, if he plays in Germany 2011, I hope for concerts in the neighbourhood ....France, Spain, Italy???
As precaution Layla and I have decided that we will fly again to London to see EC with SW in the RAH )))

