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L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/30 18:15
Posts: 178
Comme vous le savez tous, l'autobio d'EC sortira en version Anglaise le 9 octobre prochain.

Celui-ci fera 352 pages et en voici le commentaire du reviewer d'Amazon ainsi que le résumé inscrit au dos du bouquin (Anglais requis, je n'ai pas la possibilité d'assurer une bonne traduction pour le moment mais c'est pas bien difficile à suivre) :

"Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly :

Readers hoping for sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll won't be disappointed by the legendary guitarist's autobiography. As he retraces every step of his career, from the early stints with the Yardbirds and Cream to his solo successes, Clapton also devotes copious detail to his drug and alcohol addictions, particularly how they intersected with his romantic obsession with Pattie Boyd. His relationship with the woman for whom he wrote Layla culminated in a turbulent marriage he describes as drunken forays into the unknown. But he genuinely warms to the subject of his recovery, stressing its spiritual elements and eagerly discussing the fund-raising efforts for his Crossroads clinic in Antigua. His self-reckoning is filled with modesty, especially in the form of dissatisfaction with his early successes. He professes ambivalence about the famous Clapton is God graffiti, although he admits he was grateful for the recognition from fans. At times, he sounds more like landed gentry than a rock star: bragging about his collection of contemporary art, vigorously defending his hunting and fishing as leisure activities, and extolling the virtues of his quiet country living. But both the youthful excesses and the current calm state are narrated with an engaging tone that nudges Clapton's story ahead of other rock 'n' roll memoirs. (Oct. 9)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Book Description

“I found a pattern in my behavior that had been repeating itself for years, decades even. Bad choices were my specialty, and if something honest and decent came along, I would shun it or run the other way.”

With striking intimacy and candor, Eric Clapton tells the story of his eventful and inspiring life in this poignant and honest autobiography. More than a rock star, he is an icon, a living embodiment of the history of rock music. Well known for his reserve in a profession marked by self-promotion, flamboyance, and spin, he now chronicles, for the first time, his remarkable personal and professional journeys.

Born illegitimate in 1945 and raised by his grandparents, Eric never knew his father and, until the age of nine, believed his actual mother to be his sister. In his early teens his solace was the guitar, and his incredible talent would make him a cult hero in the clubs of Britain and inspire devoted fans to scrawl “Clapton is God” on the walls of London’s Underground. With the formation of Cream, the world's first supergroup, he became a worldwide superstar, but conflicting personalities tore the band apart within two years. His stints in Blind Faith, in Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, and in Derek and the Dominos were also short-lived but yielded some of the most enduring songs in history, including the classic “Layla.”

During the late sixties he played as a guest with Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan, as well as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and longtime friend George Harrison. It was while working with the latter that he fell for George’s wife, Pattie Boyd, a seemingly unrequited love that led him to the depths of despair, self-imposed seclusion, and drug addiction. By the early seventies he had overcome his addiction and released the bestselling album 461 Ocean Boulevard, with its massive hit “I Shot the Sheriff.” He followed that with the platinum album Slowhand, which included “Wonderful Tonight,” the touching love song to Pattie, whom he finally married at the end of 1977. A short time later, however, Eric had replaced heroin with alcohol as his preferred vice, following a pattern of behavior that not only was detrimental to his music but contributed to the eventual breakup of his marriage.
In the eighties he would battle and beat alcoholism and become a father. But just as his life was coming together, he was struck by a terrible blow: His beloved four-year-old son, Conor, died in a freak accident. At an earlier time Eric might have coped with this tragedy by fleeing into a world of addiction. But now a much stronger man, he took refuge in music, responding with the achingly beautiful “Tears in Heaven.”

Clapton is the powerfully written story of a survivor, a man who has achieved the pinnacle of success despite extraordinary demons. It is one of the most compelling memoirs of our time."

Voila voila, ça parle beaucoup des 70-80-90's, j'ai bien peur que toute la période Yardbirds-Bluesbreakers-Cream ne soit pas traitée comme elle le mérite aux dépends de longs discours sur ses albums bluesFM-laidback des 70's ou pop-guimauve des 80's... Enfin c'est vrai que c'est des mémoires qu'on attend et donc Eric se doit de traiter toutes les époques avec la même importance, en parlant de sa vie et pas forcément de la musique, mais j'avoue que j'aurai préféré un livre dont la moitié parle de son statut de révolutionnaire de la guitare dans les 60's plutot que de son amour pour Pattie Boyd ou son penchant pour la bibine et les mauvais concerts dans les 70s-80s....

Enfin, verdict dans 1 mois mais j'ai bien peur qu'il y ait une bonne moitié de ce pavé de pas super interessante...

A noter que la couverture est également super taciturne, à savoir qu'il s'agit du même artwork que la compilation sortant le même jour mais sur fond vert kaki !!

Posted on: 2007/9/14 17:55
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/29 15:48
From Levallois Perret
Posts: 1013
A priori, la version française sortira une semaine... plus tôt !!!

Posted on: 2007/9/15 9:48
If you lose your money, great God, don't lose your mind... And if you lose your woman, please don't fool with mine...
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/30 18:15
Posts: 178
En effet, eh bien voila qui est drôle

En général j'achèterai la version Anglaise pour ne rien perdre du texte original mais étant donné que cette autobio ne sera de toute façon pas écrite de la main même d'Eric je me demande si je lirai pas plutôt la traduction vu que j'en attends par grand chose.....

On verra dans 3 semaines

PS : Les infos que j'ai posté au début de ce topic me proviennent d'

Posted on: 2007/9/15 13:14
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/28 9:30
Posts: 1161
Je partage pleinement ton avis Dimip. D'autant plus que Pattie Boyd elle-même vient de sortir sa propre autobiographie. Quel plaisir trouve-t-il à toujours ressasser les pires moments de son existence ?... Alors que c'est son approche bien particulière du blues, son génie à transcrire à sa manière et de la plus belle façon qui soit les compositions arides des bluesmen noirs qui l'ont mis sur un piédestal à la fin des années soixante.
C'est vrai aussi que les médias l'auraient peut-être moins “suivi” s'il n'y avait pas eu ces sombres histoires dont il a miraculeusement réchappé. Se devait-il de payer sa dette face aux rapaces avec cette autobio comme il l'avait déjà fait pour le blues en 94-95 ? Seule la lecture nous le dira !

Posted on: 2007/9/17 11:20
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/28 9:30
Posts: 1161
Parution officielle en France (en version française) le 11 octobre.

Posted on: 2007/9/17 19:16
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/28 15:00
From Germany
Posts: 251
Info from Slowhand Digest.

Eric Clapton – The Autobiography Ep 1/6, Friday 5 October,9.15-9.30pm BBC RADIO 2

Tonight's opener – Motherless Child – charts Clapton's early life. Born in 1945, he grew up in Ripley, Surrey, and, until he was nine years old, believed his grandparents, Rose and Jack Clapp, with whom he lived, to be his parents.

Eric was the illegitimate son of a Canadian airman, and his mother, Patricia, had left him with her parents when Eric was only two. A distant figure in his life, Clapton's uneasy relationship with Patricia and his sense of abandonment were to affect his later relationships with women and contribute to an eventual downward spiral of despair and addiction.
As a teenager, Eric was awkward with girls, and music became a solace and a healer for him. His early hero was Chuck Berry, and he was greatly influenced by Elvis and jazz artists including the Dorsey Brothers and Benny Goodman. The purchase of his first guitar, a Hoyer, cost his grandparents £2 and was a difficult instrument for a novice to master. But Eric knew he'd found his calling, giving him a personal freedom and a way out of Ripley.

Narrator/Bill Nighy, Producer/Victoria Williams



Posted on: 2007/9/24 20:51
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2007/1/17 15:55
From Mérignac
Posts: 664
Thanx a lot Sally.
Good job.


Posted on: 2007/9/25 7:42
Sorry i'am afraid to be a musicoholic, but i hope to get better thanks to musictherapy.
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/5/6 9:37
Posts: 1031
sur le site de la fnac y'a " CLAPTON par écric clapton"
351 pages - et elle est prévue pour le 2 octobre 2007


est-ce ça ?

Posted on: 2007/9/25 12:55

Edited by snogod on 2007/10/16 23:43:46
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/3/30 18:15
Posts: 178
Il s'agit bien de celui-là et j'avoue que la couverture est beaucoup moins moche !!!!!

Posted on: 2007/9/25 18:16
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Re: L'autobio d'EC
2006/5/6 9:37
Posts: 1031
elle est quand m^me très très laide
c'est éric 97 non ?

Posted on: 2007/9/25 18:47
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